® PLUS should be used when setting up a new aquarium and with every partial water change or evaporation replacement.
Shake well before using. Add one teaspoon (5mL) for every 10 gallons (38 liters) of water. Top of bottle cap can be used for measuring – fill to inner ring-line to treat 10 gallons or use one full capful for 20 gallons. Make sure that replacement water is the same temperature as water in aquarium.
Safety for Your Fish
AquaSafe PLUS works instantly to make tap water safe for fish.
The PLUS BioExtract formula contains natural biopolymers and essential vitamins and minerals for healthy and clear water.
- Substances in tap water (like chlorine, chloramines and heavy metals) that are dangerous to fish are removed or neutralized.
- Powerful slime colloids reduce stress in fish by protecting gills, delicate membranes, and helping heal wounds.
PRINCIPAL INGREDIENTS: Sodium Hydroxymethane Sulfinate, Chelating Compounds, Polyvinylpyrollidones, Seaweed Biopolymers, Organic Hydrocolloids.
NOTE: AquaSafe is not a medi-cation and is not intended to be a substitute for any medication.
Store in a cool, dry area out of direct sunlight.